of your remaining suspect backup floppies. and floppies), then do a new full backup, and finally erase (reformat) all we recommend that you first clean all of your other disks (hard drives recognized by VirusScan. If you suspect that your backups are infected, programs usually write their backups in a special format which is not produced by most of the various hard disk backup utility programs. These VirusScan cannot be used to check the backup floppy disks or tapes  them. utilities, files are automatically decompressed when programs access compression utilities like Disk Doubler and AutoDoubler. With these kind of VirusScan does, however, work properly with automatic disk  infections, you must unpack them and check the unpacked files. utility. If you have such files and want to make certain they do not contain they have been compressed, converted or archived by some similar text file with BinHex, if they have been compressed with PackIt, or if Compact Pro, or other kind of archive, if they have been converted to a VirusScan will not detect infected files if they are part of a StuffIt,  later. If you use INITPicker, check to make certain that you have version 2.0 or not properly deal with INITs whose names begin with a special character. INITPicker earlier than version 2.0. The earlier versions of INITPicker did The VirusScan Extension is incompatible with versions of Microseed’s  you have version 2.0.6 or later. causes Speed Beep to refuse to work. If you use Speed Beep, make certain Mathew’s “Speed Beep” earlier than version 2.0.6. The incompatibility The VirusScan Extension is incompatible with versions of Robert  certain you have version 1.5 or later. can cause crashes and other problems. If you use Greg’s Buttons, make with versions of “Greg’s Buttons” earlier than 1.5. The incompatibility Both the VirusScan program and the VirusScan Extension are incompatible  Cobra driver contained an error which caused problems with VirusScan. version 1.1.3 or later of the Cobra disk driver. Earlier versions of the If you have a Rodime Cobra disk drive, make certain that you are using  problems involve incompatibilities with older versions of other software. This section lists some known problems with VirusScan. Many of these   åKnown Problems > >